The brief, was to create a logotype for Pierre that was individual in style, to be used across his website and social media touch points. In addition, ‘Music for eMotion’ a tagline he used previously in an animation was to be included. ‘Motion’ representing the area of the industry he works in and ‘Emotion’ describing what his work aims to effect when listened to.
Our usual method of working together starts with a chat on where and how the identity is to be used, type, colours etc. I started with his name collated in a list of a few dozen fonts to see how certain elements like spacing, how the individual letters related to one another, capitals versus upper and lower case and finally, how his christian name and surname – separated by the O’ – worked together. We both emailed comments and ideas back and forth discussing what looked the most appropriate letterforms completing phase 1 once Pierre chose his favourite.
Next I looked at certain techniques in treating the letters so that they would have some form of individuality when representing Pierre.