Raleigh was the ‘hook’ to this Identity and so I concentrated on his connection to the town and what we know of him in a general sense.
He was typical ‘Renaissance Man’, of his period. A soldier, courtier, adventurer, free thinker, poet, historian who was granted 42k acres of land forfeited by the Desmonds on the River Blackwater. He was Mayor of Youghal in 1588-89 and sold his Irish estate to Richard Boyle 1st Earl of Cork who is also connected with Lismore Castle in the town where I live.
Introduction of the potato and tobacco on this side of the Atlantic is purported to be down to him. The well known tale of him laying his cape across a puddle for Queen Elizabeth I to step on is widely seen in different illustrations and prints.
However, while in the middle of researching him, a friend visiting the Royal Maritime Museum in London sent me an image of a statue of Raleigh on display there. And I thought the stance and air of swagger about it typified what he was.