It’s hard enough to make your mark in business; so don’t forget to make your ‘mark’. And by ‘mark’ I mean ‘logo’.

In previous blog posts I’ve alluded to cutting my teeth in a traditional style of design, which has proven to be a solid foundation from which to work from. It seems to me that in today’s modern world of technology some companies are very eager to get their business online and too quickly ignore an invaluable brand attribute that sets your business apart from others competing for the same customers; the visual identity.

Visual Identities, logos, logotypes, all are your companies’ ‘mark’. From Nike’s ‘Swoosh’, to Apple’s bitten ‘Apple’; the Lacoste ‘Crocodile’ to the Michelin ‘Man’. Creating an identity that represents your service or product that will stand the test of time (be it literal or aspirational) is what I aim for when working with our clients.

Have a look at these interesting articles that dig into the importance of a great logo:

Perhaps you own a small business that needs a brand refresh? Or you have a business idea that needs help getting off the ground. Contact us here to chat about how we can help create a visual brand identity for you that will cut through the clutter.
